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We'd love to hear about your experience working with Knaub Home Solutions. Fill out the form below to get started!
What services did you receive?
Select the service that most closely matches your project.
Select a Service
Kitchen Renovation
Bathroom Renovation
Basement Renovation
Home Theater or Media Room Renovation
Large-Scale Renovation
Did you receive a design consultation?
Let us know if you took advantage of our design consultation service
Where was this project located?
Select the city that best matches where your project was completed.
Select a Location
Bergen, NY
Brighton, NY
Brockport, NY
Caledonia, NY
Chili, NY
Churchville, NY
Clarendon, NY
Clarkson, NY
Downtown Rochester, NY
Fairport, NY
Farmington, NY
Gates, NY
Genesee Valley, NY
Greece, NY
Hamlin, NY
Henrietta, NY
Hilton, NY
Holley, NY
Honeoye Falls, NY
Irondequoit, NY
Kendall, NY
Macedon, NY
Mendon, NY
Monroe, NY
Morton, NY
Murray, NY
North Chili, NY
Ogden, NY
Ontario, NY
Penfield, NY
Pittsford, NY
Riga, NY
Rochester, NY
Rush, NY
Scottsville, NY
Spencerport, NY
Victor, NY
Walworth, NY
Webster, NY
Wheatland, NY
Other (Not Listed Here)
How would you rate Knaub Home Solutions overall?
Rate your overall experience working with our team from start to finish.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars (Far Above Average)
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Stars (Above Average)
⭐⭐⭐ 3 Stars (Average)
⭐⭐ 2 Stars (Below Average)
⭐ 1 Star (Far Below Average)
Did we meet or exceed your expectations?
Yes, absolutely!
No, not really...
Write your review!
What were you most happy with? Did we communicate effectively? Keep your home clean? Properly set expectations? Do high-quality work? Did the value match your investment? Share as many details as possible!
What could we have done better?
We're sorry to hear your experience with us wasn't what you expected. Please help us understand what we could have done better!
Full Name
Can we use your review on our website?
With your permission, we'll show your review, first name, last initial, and city name on our website.
Sure, go for it!
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